The sky is gunmetal grey. Globules of rain water continually pour down onto roof-tops, tarmac and concrete. Rivulets of rain run down the pavement as I walk down the Ring Road. When I finally reach the riverside. I see the river flowing rapidly carrying branches and plastic bottles downstream. The tow-path is flooded, so I change my route. Passing by Allied Glass, I see a collection of wood pigeons swarming around the furnace chimney. A horse chestnut tree dangling lime-coloured spiky cases stands beside the First Bus Hunslet Park depot. A former industrial site has become a wasteland of smashed concrete bolders, rusted wires, rubble and weeds. Beside this wasteland, I spot the entrance to a landscape garden leading to a new bridge across the river. Rows of rubber tyres have become planters in the garden. The moorings by the Royal Armouries are submerged only the tops of their white railings are visible. The ground is sodden, everything is water-logged. The low-hung sky droops under the weight of water.
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