A weekend jogger wearing black lycra and a charity run t-shirt runs along Knostrop Dock. A pair of herons fly upstream but the jogger doesn’t notice them as she is wearing white earbuds and lost in a private soundscape.
A white van from the Canal and River Trust parks at Knostrop Dock. A man emerges from the van and starts to clear out debris caught in a metal grille. He clears out a flottila of plastic bottles, fallen leaves and branches that have got caught in the current of the river. I cross over the steel Knostrop Weir foot and cycle bridge. To my right is a disused railway bridge which is now behind green plastic fencing. Seagulls circle in a holding pattern over the Knostrope Sludge Treatment Facility.
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Walking further along the two path, the spire of St Mary’s church in Hunslet is just visible as I walk north towards Leeds City Centre. Local residents have formed a campaign called Save our Spire (SOS) from demolition. The spire has formed a landmark in this area since it was built in 1869. https://southleedslife.com/call-to-save-hunslets-landmark-spire.
Cororants fly low over the water and I hear the whoosh of their wings accompanied by the deep base sounds of a jet overhead. Golden berries of sea-buckthorn brighten the landscape. Great tits fly past by Liberty Dock student flats on the riverside. Further upstream, under Crown Point Bridge seagulls peck at an old naan bread, a possible remnant of a take-away supper.
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